Get your clients on Visual Stories, make your SEO effort more worthwhile. Earn from the services you provide.
Introduce your clients to Visual Stories, or start your own White Label Platform. Get their website started, and charge them for your services. The website will harness the latest technologies like AMP and PWA and have Web Stories as its content format.
Visual Stories gives businesses a no-code solution to get a PWA of Web Stories on their own website or create a PWA of Web Stories. PWA (short for Progressive Web App) being the latest technology and Web Stories being the latest content format with a huge potential to rank on Google's 1st page, it is imperative for any online business to adopt this technology and content format, if they have to thrive amid the fierce competition on the web.
Guide your clients to get a PWA of Web Stories. With Visual Stories, this takes a few simple steps. Once you get your clients started, you can provide them with SEO and digital marketing services as well as content services and earn.
Your client sites will harness Web Stories as their content format. Since Web Stories have a dedicated section on Google's 1st page, the SEO and content creation effort spent on the client site will be more worthwhile.
Thus, by getting your clients to start a website with Visual Stories, you give them a brilliant way to boost organic traffic. Isn't this the most effective SEO guidance you could give anyone?
In addition, you can give content marketing services to your clients, by writing promotional Web Stories in any of the categories of Visual Stories. This is super-easy. On signing up with Visual Stories, one can create unlimited content for free. The categories cover a wide range of niches, which means you will find a relevant category to post marketing content for almost any client website.
The struggle of every website is to boost reach and visibility on the Internet. Every website owner aims at attracting more users to generate leads and achieve greater conversions. The reason why most websites don't achieve success is that their content doesn't rank. For SEOs, it's common knowledge that search engines are the greatest source of traffic for any website and the sure-fire way to gain traffic is to rank in search results. This is where Web Stories come to the rescue. They score high on performance and user engagement metrics, thus turning out to be an exceptional SEO opportunity. And Visual Stories gives websites a hassle-free way to adopt Web Stories.
So what are you waiting for? Get your clients on Visual Stories. Earn from the services you provide. Make your expertize and effort more rewarding.
For clients who have a website, walk them through:
Steps to Get a PWA of Web Stories
For clients who do not have a website, guide them with:
Steps to Create a PWA of Web Stories
Or launch your own web story builder and website builder: