Submission Guidelines

Create Stories

  • On signing up with Visual Stories, you can submit content in any of the Visual Stories categories or on your own website.
  • You can post any number of stories for free, with a single user account, from a single place.

Best Practices

  • Stories are visually engaging, fast-loading, mobile-focused, tap-through and user-first. Due to high loading speeds, rich visuals and less text, they perfectly fit the requirements of modern readers.
  • A Story is composed of multiple slides where each slide can include text, images and videos. You can use images and videos from the free media library or upload your own.
  • Distribute your content across slides, where each slide makes a separate point and in less words.
  • Write precise and highly engaging content that your readers would love.
  • We encourage concise content that is authentic, trustworthy, and of high quality.
  • Submit original work, that is complete and checked for errors.
  • Keep the word count of your Story between 200 and 1000.
  • From your Story, you can link to your product/service page or to your official website. For every Story, only one link will be allowed. Links should be with the intention to help a reader. Do not spam the readers with too many links.
  • You will get credit for your written work. Your name will be displayed below the Story you write. You will have an author profile like this, which enlists all the Stories created by you.
  • Visual Stories is a promising platform for those writing with a business intent to promote their product/service through content marketing, for those writing for personal branding, or for writers and bloggers who write as a hobby. Anyone can sign up for free and create Stories. With our feature-rich Story Builder tool, creating them is easy and fun.
  • Submit Stories in relevant categories, based on the niche they best fit into.
  • Do not submit one Story in the same category/website twice. Submitting the same content in multiple websites/categories is also discouraged.
  • Do not submit plagiarized content.

Watch this video for a walk-through of creating an AMP Story.

Add Images

  • You can use images from the free image library or upload your own. The images you upload will be added to your own library and be accessible only to you.
  • The images you upload can be used as Background or Foreground. Images of the file formats jpg, jpeg and png are allowed.
  • For your image to be usable as background, its minimum required height is 928 px. Its minimum required width is 696 px.
  • You will have to crop the image in portrait format using our one-click cropping tool. Height of a portrait image should be a minimum of 928 px.
  • If the height of the image you upload is less than 928 px or if its width is less than 696 px, it will be used as a foreground image.
  • An image uploaded through the first slide of your story will always be used as Background. Hence its height should be min 928 px and its width should be min 696 px.
  • If you are uploading an image in a slide where a background image/video already exists, your image will be added as foreground.
  • After you upload the image, notice the auto-filled 'Alt Text'. You may change it. Alt Text is a set of keywords that describe an image, using which the image can be searched.
  • You can credit the source of the images you upload. For this, click 'Show Image Credit' and fill the credit text and source URL.
  • The image you add to the first slide of your Story will, by default, be applied as background to all slides of the Story.
  • You can add a different background or foreground image to each slide.

Add Videos

  • You can use videos from our free video library or upload your own. The videos you upload are added to your own library, and accessible only to you.
  • The videos you upload can be used as Background or Foreground. Videos of file formats mp4, webm and ogg are allowed.
  • The file size of your video should be less than 6 MB. The video's duration can be a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • After adding a video, you will have to fill a title. The title will facilitate easy searching of the video.
  • A poster image is required for each video. It will be displayed in place of the video clip until it loads.
  • You can upload portrait, landscape and square videos. Landscape and square videos can be used only as Foreground videos. Portrait videos are used as Background videos.
  • If you are uploading a video in a slide where a background image/video already exists, your video will be added as foreground.
  • A background video will play in loop by default. You may choose to turn the looping OFF.
  • You can credit the source of the videos you upload. For this, click 'Show Video Credit' and fill the credit text and source URL.


  • A Story can be customized at two levels; Story-level and layer-level. Story-level customizations will apply to the entire Story while layer-level customizations will apply to that particular layer only.
  • Background color customizations will help you choose a background color for your text. Text customizations include options to change font family, font size and color.
  • The drag-drop feature will let you position the elements of your Story easily.

Publishing of Stories

  • Once you submit your Story, it will be considered as ready for publishing. It will be published as soon as possible.
  • Should there be any scope for enhancements, it will be sent to you for re-evaluation. After the required changes are made, you can resubmit your Story.
  • To speed up the process of content publishing, we urge you to submit Stories that are finalized and complete. Submitting incomplete work will delay the approvals as our moderators will find it difficult to publish it as is, or they may have to revert to you with changes.
  • The Visual Stories team holds the right to remove or change your content (text, images and videos) if it does not adhere to our guidelines or meet the requirements for becoming a Story.

Things To Avoid

  • Refrain from writing content that endorses or promotes any form of violence and/or obscenity. Avoid using images and/or videos that may appear misleading or are unsightly.
  • Avoid spamming of links and keywords in your Story as it affects the search engine rankings of your content and also has a negative impact on readability and user experience.
  • Do not submit incomplete work.

Story Ideas

  • Use Stories to explain how to do something or how something works. Let the readers tap through precisely written steps supported by good images/videos.
  • Take photos of your product or videos of how your business functions and wrap your content into a compelling Story. It will prove to be an effective way to promote your business.
  • Share tips, advice or your experiences with your readers. Write in the Stories format.
  • Compile facts and trivia about anything interesting and present them in the form of an immersive Story. Owing to their full-screen images and crisp text, your Stories will surely boost user engagement.
  • Give tricks, hacks or DIY instructions in the form of visually rich, tap-through Stories. Being easy to understand, the readers will find your content really helpful.
  • Narrate Stories of intriguing things happening in your life or around you and grab the users’ attention.
  • Entice your readers with book or movie reviews or critical analyses of literary works. Write about famous figures in history or about the lives of celebrities. Present your content in the form of video and image-rich Stories.
  • Inspire readers through motivational quotes or make them smile with funny and witty one-liners. Turn a dull day around with brilliant Stories that touch someone's heart.
  • Give fitness mantras, wellness tips, stress busters or any good information that can ease someone’s life. Write this in the form of highly engaging Stories.
  • Write about anything that’s trending and create quick-loading news Stories.
  • Put together funny, witty, inspiring or just eye-pleasing photos in the form of beautiful Stories.
  • Don’t limit your writing to just these ideas; they were only a few. For anything worthy of being written on, choose Visual Stories.

For any difficulty with creating or publishing Stories, you can request for a free online training or reach us at

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